Sunday, September 27, 2009


It has been a huge month at the Raulstons, aside from adjusting to a new baby Sloane has started kindergarten and Beckett has stepped his game up and started going on the big potty. Sloane is so excited to going to School everyday she can hardly wait to go to sleep in anticipation for the next day of learning. She has started to read, which I swear I did not do until I was a Freshman in college, she is getting so big! There are a couple kids in her class from pre-school that she is friends with and has made a few new friends too.

We have been working with Beckett on potty training for the last couple months, he never seemed to interested in it even though we were holding a new mit and ball hostage until he went consitently, that is until he saw his new baby brother had diapers just like him...he decided that was not so cool. Last Saturday he decided diapers were bunk and he wanted to use the toilet like the rest of the fam. He has not looked back on his decision and is a bonefide potty user, we are so proud of him.

Hayes has started to smile and coo, he is still struggling with sleeping through the night but is getting better every week so we hold out hope that a solid eight hours is coming soon. He is getting big he already is looking around when the kids are playing near him wanting to join in on their shenanigans.


Unknown said...

You guys are so cute! Lets play soon!